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We're The Ones

An Anthology

Following in the tradition of the willful, the troublemakers, the disruptors, the courageous, the “lovers of other women, sexually and/or nonsexually” (Walker, 1983), we wrote personal pieces that drew inspiration, knowledge, and wisdom from our lived experience at the intersection of our marginalized identities. 


At the intersection, we reckon with the nuances of our experiences, and wage wars with shame, guilt, and fear and subsequently, find ways to make more room for joy, connection and love. The work of (un)doing, (un)learning and recovering/uncovering pieces of ourselves that we have long forgotten is proceeded by a (re-)assembling)/re-membering. 


 So at its core, this collection of work invited contributors to become whole on the page and in our bodies because “we’re the ones." 


We're the ones we're waiting for. 

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